Best poster award in the category "Radar Remote Sensing"
Vivien PACSKÓ,
Eötvös Loránd University, Hungary |
Numerical characterization of time series data derived from H/A/alpha decomposition of Sentinel-1 images |
Best poster award in the category "Optical Remote Sensing"
Polish Academy of Sciences, Space Research Centre, Poland |
Sentinel Water Mask (SWM) - new index for water detection on Sentinel-2 images |
Best poster award in the category "Agriculture and Synergistic Applications"
National Observatory of Athens, Greece |
Synergy of Satellite EO data with Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) and other smart platforms for precision farming: The case of vineyards in Greece |
Best poster award in the category "Urban Applications"
Barcelona Regional S.A., Spain |
Barcelona Urban Heat Island characterization and modeling |
Best poster award in the category "Hydrology and Climate Change"
Ingmar NITZE,
AWI Helmholtz Centre for Polar and Marine Research, Germany |
Landsat-based trend analysis of lake dynamics across northern permafrost regions |
University of British Columbia, Canada |
Detecting selective logging in the Brazilian Amazon: a pilot test with Sentinel-2A data |
Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Hungary |
Uplift analysis in the city of Böblingen using PS-InSAR |
Michael Munk ANDERSEN,
Aarhus University, Denmark |
Space herding |
Rural Support Service, Latvia |
Sentinel-1 data use for monitoring of agricultural activities |
University of Sopron, Faculty of Forestry, Hungary |
Treefall gap detection on Sentinel-2A satellite images in the Börzsöny mountains |
Government Office of the Capital City Budapest, Hungary |
Retrospective analysis of long-term landscape evolution based on archive satellite imagery and historical maps |
RSS GmbH / LMU Munich, Germany |
Tropical canopy height and above ground biomass estimation in Central Kalimantan, Indonesia with the use of Pol-InSAR data - first results |
Alexandre BEVINGTON,
Univ. of Northern British Columbia / Gov. of British Columbia, Canada |
Large area glacier change for western Canada over 45 years of satellite imagery |
Valentin Tertius BICKEL,
ETH Zurich, Switzerland |
Analysis of slope and surface deformations on Mars using high-resolution satellite imagery |
Finnish Environment Institute (SYKE), Finland |
Remote sensing indicators for the vegetation active period in boreal coniferous forest |
István BOZSÓ,
Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Research Centre for Astronomy and Earh Sciences, Hungary |
Estimation of nearly vertical and east-west surface deformation velocity components using archive ENVISAT SAR images processed with persistent scatterers interferometry |
Ana-Ioana BREABAN,
Gheorghe Asachi Technical University of Iasi |
Romania, Analysis of backscattering signal from a helicopter-borne profiling radar |
James Robert BRENNAN,
University College London, United Kingdom |
Developing best practice for Burnt Area algorithms |
Benjamin BUKOMBE,
University of Technolgy and Arts of Byumba, Rwanda |
Application of Sentinel Data to Improve the Water Resource Management of Rwanda |
Michele CACCIA,
CGI, Italy |
Can Sentinel data help Natural Flood Management? |
Lund University, Sweden |
Joint use of Sentinel-1 and Sentinel-2 for land cover classification: A machine learning approach |
Agricultural University of Athens, Greece |
An investigation of the synergistic use of Sentinel data for wetland classification: a case study from Greece |
Sugandh CHAUHAN,
University of Twente - ITC, Netherlands |
Crop Lodging Detection and Risk Mapping: A Multi-Sensor Approach |
Amie Elizabeth CORBIN,
Leiden University, Institute of Environmental Sciences, Netherlands |
Developing vegetation priors for MULTIPLY (MULTIscale SENTINEL land surface information retrieval Platform) |
Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research – UFZ, Germany |
The extent of edge effects in fragmented landscapes: Insights from satellite measurements of tree cover |
National Physical Laboratory, United Kingdom |
Copernicus Climate Change Service Evaluation and Quality Control Function (C3S EQC) |
Nicoleta-Viorela DUMITRASCU,
Gheorghe Asachi Technical University of Iasi, Romania |
Monitoring of soil resources using Sentinel images |
Patricia DUNCAN,
Stellenbosch University, South Africa |
Detecting agricultural weeds using a multi-sensor multi-temporal approach |
Geo-Sentinel Ltd, Hungary |
Sentinel-1 PSInSAR Analysis of Budapest, Hungary |
ISPRA, Italy |
Comparison of techniques for raster time series analysis |
Bernadett GÁLYA,
University of Debrecen, Hungary |
Evaluation of inland water vulnerability based on radar data |
Dessislava Gancheva GANEVA-KIRIAKOVA,
Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Space Research and Technology Institute, Bulgaria |
Monitoring of winter rapeseed crops in Northeast Bulgaria through satellite and terrestrial data |
Szent István University / Federal Rural Univ. of Rio de Janeiro, Hungary / Brazil |
Application of Remote Sensing and Hyperspectral Data for Spectral Characterization of the Soils in the Itatiaia's National Park, in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil |
University of Bonn, Germany |
Crop Type and Condition Monitoring: A Multi-sensor Time Series Approach |
Hadi HADI,
Aalto University, Finland |
Comparison of Sentinel-2 and Landsat 8 in the estimation of boreal forest canopy cover and leaf area index |
Institute for Forest and Nature Research (INBO), Belgium |
The value of Sentinel 2 for monitoring semi-natural grasslands in Flemish Natura 2000 sites |
King's College London, United Kingdom |
Investigating the Google Earth Engine Platform for Big Data Processing: Classification of Multi-Temporal Satellite Imagery for assessing land degradation in the ASALs of East Africa |
Sarah JONES,
Bioversity International / King's College London, France / United Kingdom |
Farmers as environmental stewards? Mapping hydrological ecosystem service flows in a West African river basin |
Aikaterini KARAGIANNI,
Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece |
Remote Sensing in Civil Engineering Issues |
Anikó KERN,
Eötvös Loránd University, Hungary |
Studying vegetation dynamics in Central Europe using MODIS and meteorological data: The effect of drought on the vegetation state |
Ana Mendes LEITE,
Instituto Superior de Agronomia, Portugal |
Dynamics in forest and above-ground carbon stocks in small centres of endemism of Central Africa: a case study in the Angolan Scarp Forests |
Martin LEŠKO,
Slovak University of Technology, Slovakia |
Monitoring of Natural Hazards in Slovakia - Slope Deformations in Upper Nitra |
CentroGeo, Mexico |
Remote Sensing Study of Seasonal Surface Water in Coatzacoalcos, Panuco and Papaloapan low eco-hydrological regions in Mexico |
National University of Ireland Galway, Ireland |
The application of satellite-borne remote sensors for monitoring coastal erosion and ecosystems in Ireland. |
Paula MARTI,
Deimos Space UK, United Kingdom |
FMAP – A monitoring system to support the Guatemalan forestry incentive programs |
Government Office of the Capital City Budapest, Hungary |
Digital surface model production at Government Office of the Capital City Budapest, Department of Geodesy, Remote Sensing and Land Offices |
Government of Canada, Canada |
SAR backscatter response to peatland hydrology and vegetation |
Norbert MÓRICZ,
Hungarian Forest Research Institute, Hungary |
Remote sensing based forest vitality monitoring |
Zsolt NOVÁK,
University of Szeged, Hungary |
Pre-processing of Sentinel 1 SAR images and it's usage in mapping of inland excess water |
Victor Onyango ODIPO,
Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena, Germany |
Interactions of savanna vegetation structure with L- and C-band Synthetic Aperture Radar at pixel level |
Angéla OLASZ,
Government Office of the Capital City Budapest, Hungary |
Retrospective analysis of long-term landscape evolution based on archive satellite imagery and historical maps |
Institute of Geodesy and Cartography, Poland |
ASAP - Advanced Sustainable Agricultural Production |
Theodora (Dora) PERROU,
Harokopio University of Athens, Greece |
Sentinel 1 data as operational tool for flood monitoring in a Transboundary River Basin |
Krisztina PINTÉR,
Szent István University, Institute of Botany and Ecophysiology, Hungary |
Validation of MODIS Evapotranspiration data by ground based measurements |
Tomáš POUR,
Palacky University in Olomouc, Czech Republic |
Airborne Thermal Remote Sensing: The Case of the City of Olomouc, Czech Republic |
Università degli studi di Urbino Carlo Bo, Italy |
Satellite remote sensing techniques for evaluation and analysis of geological hazards along linear infrastructure networks |
Fabian SANTOS,
University of Bonn, Germany |
TFDynamics, an open-source R library for forest dynamics analysis with scarce Landsat data |
Krzysztof Andrzej SMYKALA,
QZ Solutions, Poland |
NDVI imagery in pollination areas detecting for migratory apiary schedule |
Institute of Anthropological and Spatial Studies, ZRC SAZU, Slovenia |
Land cover classification for Slovenian land information system |
Magdalena STEIDL,
GeoVille Information Systems GmbH, Austria |
Urban Monitoring – New standards using Sentinel-2 |
Mulawarman University, Indonesia |
Active and Passive Remote Sensing to Monitor Borneo's Fragile Environment |
Yiwen SUN,
University of Twente - ITC, Netherlands |
Development of robust, transferable and semi-automated approach for mapping and monitoring wetland habitat from Sentinel-2 satellite images |
Eszter TANÁCS,
University of Szeged, Hungary |
Identifying and classifying forests affected by the ice damage in December 2014, using object-based image analysis |
sarmap SA, Switzerland |
Monitoring of Mosul dam through SAR data |
Norbert TÚRI,
National Agricultural Research and Innovation Centre / Univ. of Szeged, Hungary |
Calculate NDVI maps for monitoring the plant stress response of crops using satellite and UAV data comparison |
Anna-Maria VIRKKALA,
University of Helsinki, Finland |
The current state of local CO2 flux studies in the tundra: from review to future publications |
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Italy |
Development of a Methodology for Forest Degradation and Deforestation Monitoring using High Resolution data |
Ivona ŽIŽA,
Oikon Ltd, Croatia |
CLC inventory 2012, verification and enhancement of HRL products for Croatia |