Land Training 2017 > Lecturers


The course was taught by leading European senior scientists in optical, thermal and microwave remote sensing. Please click on a lecturer's name to see their CV.

Dr. Ahmad Albitar CESBIO France
Prof.  Lorenzo Bruzzone University of Trento Italy
Prof.  Costas  Cartalis University of Athens Greece
Prof. Wouter Dorigo Vienna University of Technology Austria
Dr.  Grégory  Duveiller Joint Research Centre Italy
Prof.  Laurent  Ferro-Famil University of Rennes 1 France
Dr. Michael  Foumelis BGRM France
Dr. Alessandro Marin Solenis c/o ESA ESRIN Italy
Prof.  Jose Moreno Univeristy of Valencia Spain
Prof. Kostas Papathanassiou DLR Germany
Prof.  Eric  Pottier University of Rennes 1 France
Dr. Fabrizio  Ramoino Serco c/o ESA ESRIN Italy
Dr.  Ana Ruescas Brockmann Consult Germany
Prof.  Bob Su University of Twente Netherlands
Prof. Janos Tamas University of Debrecen Hungary
Dr. Angelica Tarpanelli CNR Italy
Dr.  Sebastian  van der Linden Humboldt-University Berlin Germany
Prof.  Zoltan  Vekerdy Szent Istvan University Hungary



Szent István University

Gödöllő Campus

Budapest from the ISS

Released: 24/01/2017